Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ticket To Ride

No, not The Beatles song . . . it' s a board game and an online community. We love board games, but the boys continually abuse them and lose pieces. Todd received Ticket To Ride for Chanukah last winter, and we have really enjoyed playing it. The game board has a map of the USA and lower Canada and train routes connecting the various cities. Players use destination tickets and colored wagon cards to claim routes and connect cities to each other. Days of Wonder makes TTR and a host of other fascinating games.
Ticket To Ride has several different editions. Another popular board is Europe, and there is a USA 1910 expansion pack. We have our eyes on both. Included in the game's instructions, which Todd promptly lost, is a web code you can use to log into the Ticket To Ride online community and start your own games. You can play TTR without a web code, but you are treated as a guest player who must join someone else's game. Both Todd and I have created screen-names to play: I am Alto2, of course, and he is Laxstar ("lacrosse star" haha).

I highly recommend both the TTR board and online games. I've played against some interesting and fun people. Just this afternoon, I played online against Astrid from Holland. She was very chatty while she beat the pants off me! I had fun and learned some more strategy.

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