The Rules: Players start with 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 7 random facts. Players should tag 7 other people and notify them they have been tagged.
- I am the second person from my high school graduating class to appear on Jeopardy!
- My oldest and dearest friends are, not one but two, sets of twins with whom I grew up in the DC area. Both sets of twins and their families now live near each other in Northern California.
- Brussels sprouts are vile little things. So are lima beans.
- I studied ballet for 10 years, 5 of which were in a (UK) Royal Academy of Dance program.
- I am a serial "starter" of things but leave many projects undone.
- When I was in labor with Wizard, I had a vision (premonition) of him before he was born: I saw his face rejuvenate from a teenage boy to baby.
- I once met Justice Anthony Kennedy of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Dispatches From Maine
Life In The Bogs
Stunt Mother
Tales From the Parkside
X Facta
Radio Mom
Oh, I SO agree about the brussel sprouts and lima beans!
Cool. I've been tagged. :)
since i didn't do my own 7 things challenge last weekend, I'll do this as penance :-)
Cool facts , I wasn't aware about that. Read about guides to increase testosterone and learn about human growth hormones.
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